Friday, 25 November 2011

Chernobyl to Koodankulam

25 years after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, the place still remains abandoned and dangerous. There are no people, there are no lives; only the remains of the once-bustling town of Chernobyl and plenty of dangerous radioactive materials.

On April 26, 1986 the world’s worst nuclear power plant disaster changed lives of people in USSR forever. Everyone left their place hoping to return back in a few days but they never did, as everything owned or used was highly contaminated with dangerous radioactive materials. Even after all these years, Chernobyl is still a dangerous place.Eating, smoking or touching any structure or vegetation in exclusion zone is prohibited. Harmful radioactive dust covers almost everything including nearby Priyat River. Visitors are required to sign a waiver absolving the Ukraine government of any liability due to health problem that may result from visit.

The radiations emitted at that time was 400 times stronger than that of in Hiroshima in 1945.Nobody knows how many people perished due to the disaster. Official record states that 31 people died immediately from radiation and more are affected by radiation related diseases like cancer. Children were more vulnerable to cancer as they drank milk with high level of radioactive iodine. Other staples like berries, mushrooms and potatoes are still contaminated in Ukraine. Cultivation is totally stopped in Chernobyl and fields have given way to dense forest where wildlife is slowly coming back. This is only a brief description about the disasters that happened in Ukraine.

location of Koodankulam NP(A)

Now I would like to consider things that are happening in Koodankulam. In our country officials and government are busy with setting a nuclear power plant in Kodankulam without considering the voice of local people staying there. Examining the geographical location of Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant, the plant is located on the edge of the sub continent land and near to Indian Ocean. Southern Tamil Nadu is Known For Tsunami from ancient time. Several historical document claims that many major cities have been wiped out due to huge Tsunami. We also know that in Dec 2004 southern India was swept by huge tsunami triggered due to an underwater earth quake near Indonesia .And one more thing about Kodankulam plant, the site is located at an altitude of 8.7m from mean sea level, while Fukuhima Nuclear Plant it is at a height of 14m to 15m from sea level and we all know about what happened there.

Impact of Tsunami on Koodankulam Plant can be catastrophic due to its geographic location and altitude. The scale of destruction of a possible Tsunami does call for attention and scrutiny of the project. So officials and government should rethink about this project to be built in same place. Otherwise chance of Koodankulam becoming another Chernobyl is high. Pray that this may not to happen.

Monday, 21 November 2011

Ten Travel Tips for Drivers

Driving Tips
  1. Try to commence your journey early in the morning because you’ll feel less tired when you reach your destination, with less traffic and a pleasant climate.
  2. Don’t take heavy food before long journeys because it may lead to sleepiness and vomiting.
  3. If you feel sleepy don’t continue your driving, please rest for some time or give it to the co-driver if he is not in same condition as you and then resume your driving.
  4. A driver should be aware of his vehicle’s length and breadth.
  5. For long journeys try to keep your fuel tank full because you can’t avoid the chance of breakdown due to lack of fuel or you may compelled to return to a fuel station without reaching the destination. (In high range, hilly, forest areas the fuel station is at the far end and at the beginning of those areas)
  6. Dim your headlamp for the vehicle coming opposite to you during night.
  7. Try to use three mirrors in your vehicle while driving.
  8. Don’t compel 2WD vehicles (especially cars having less ground clearance) to take the route of a 4WD vehicle.
  9. Be alert while driving, ready to face any situation.
  10. Always give preference to other vehicles, I am sure this will bring down accidents drastically. 


Saturday, 5 November 2011

Black Mass

Black Mass-A serious social issue

In earlier times the word “black mass” was not used for Evil worship, it was practiced as a ritual for the destruction of one’s enemy. (Similar to those masses done by Christianity in Kerala aimed at enemy destruction in past) but these forms of rituals are removed by law in 15th century. From that incident black came to the world as evil worship. These worships are believed to have been practiced from ancient days.
First black mass was performed by the desire of Louis XIV’s wife (Madam de Montspan) by the priest Atin Geborg. She did it in order to attract her husband sexually, but this was not practiced as evil worship. In later years this form of rituals found relation with evil worship. The black mass got this popularity from an American stage program by a group called Kovan in 1968. The hymns used in black mass are just opposite to the Holy mass.

Main Attractions

Evil worship and black mass crosses the borders of true values. The performer behind these rituals aimed to gain public acceptance of sexual abuse. Only wealthy personals in the society are welcomed to these groups so some take this ritual as a measurement of their dignity. Once you take part in this ritual, it’s very difficult to get a relief from it and you will be in compelled slavery. Black mass is performed by stolen holy bread from churches and one will get 7000-15000 for each piece. In our land (Kerala) these types of social evils have been at work.
 Some Remedies

First of all make people aware of this public adultery. Presbyters should be very careful when given holy bread in order not to get stolen. Once bread contact with your tongue is made, then it is not acceptable to Stan worshipers. So it is better to give bread in mouth rather in hand as some churches are now doing. Church and parents should pay good attention in teaching Bible, services and the rituals properly.


Kerosene Drinkers

Those who drink Kerosene

Do any of you like to drink Kerosene? Or will you give it to anyone for drinking? Even if you don’t, it is happening in our society. Most people are unaware of this social issue. We take Kerosene often mistaken as edible oil; the name given to this Kerosene is Mineral oil (liquid paraffin).

What is this mineral oil?

It is a distillate of petroleum. It is a colorless and odorless liquid and less costly than all other edible oils.

Advantages of Mineral oil for deceptive Bakeries

If we make any food product in coconut oil or any other edible oil, there is a high chance of formation of fungus on its surface when exposed to air. But if you noticed, Bakery food items don’t get fungus even if exposed to open space for months. Do any of you think why this happens? It’s because of the usage of Mineral oil instead of coconut oil.
40000 liters of Mineral oil needs only 200 ml of coconut oil (perfume) to get its odor and common people think it is pure oil.

Consequence after the usage of Mineral oil

Once you take food materials cooked in mineral oil, you always get attracted to the same product.  These products attack our brain and also increase the rate of cell division taking place in our body resulting in cancer. Another issue is that it helps to fasten aging. So beware of bakery food items and reduce its consumption.

Here I begins

My name is Ben Mammen George (BMG), in certificate now I am a B. Tech (IT) degree holder but I hate it. I live in a small village named Elavumthitta birth place of humorous poet Muloor. This village is in Pathanamthitta district –Kozhencherry thaluk-Kulanada panchayat.
One of my main hobbies is travelling especially to forests .Till now I visited 10 thick forests throughout Kerala. I got this habit from my father who used to go trekking often. Later I will say more about my trips.  I don’t wish to say more about me now.

My watching
In this blog I wish to write about my travelling experience, social issues, politics, some divine thoughts, and some facts one should know.

A Battle...

A Battle with this world
Ephesians 6:12
For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood (contending only with physical opponents), but against the despotism, against the power, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the sprit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.
From the above verse we can see that we are in war with this world. A careful study of the verse tells us that our war is not with our fellow beings, friends or relatives but with the devils and the demons of this world .Our enemy Satan, attempts to defeat us with his well planned strategies and deceits.
Satan is very wise. He knows what we like and what we don’t. He knows our insecurities, weakness, fear and what bothers us most. He is willing to invest any amount of time to defeat us .One of the devils strong points is his patience.

Tearing down those strongholds of evil
2 Corinthians 10:4-5
For the weapons of our warfare are not physical (weapons of flesh & blood), but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds.
The apostle Paul tells us that we have the weapons we need to overcome Satan’s strongholds.
So you should be wary of your activities and be alert in life. Begin all your work with a prayer and ask Him (GOD) to get enough strength to overcome the temptations of this world. Always keep in touch with God.